I can absolutlely direct you to my writings about the struggle and how to succeed with it. Regarding overeating as food addiction and how it differs from other addictions, that’s one subject the book covers and here’s an article of mine that directly addresses that question, as well as the clinical characteristics of addiction: https://theandersonmethod.com/category/is-there-such-a-thing-as-food-addiction/
Where is that quote that you referred to from? (“I can tell you some aspects of weight control, but when you’re at the clinic, you learn more”) I don’t think I’ve ever said anything like that. Perhaps you have not finished the book yet. It covers everything about weight control and the struggle.
Make sure you are not scanning chapters or pages of the book to look for ideas. I’ve become aware that a lot of people have become used to the habit of “scanning” or “speed reading” because of their habits with digital media, seeing only headlines, etc. “Scanning” my books and articles will not work to learn what’s valuable in them. It prevents the shift to the receptive state of consciousness that occurs when you relax and focus. Take your time to contemplate what I’m teaching. Also, I’ve found that readers almost always need to re-read the book several times, up to six times usually, to absorb it. In the first reading, they miss a lot.
When you are on the page at my website with the article about food addiction, you’ll see a “Table of Contents of Blog articles” at the bottom left corner of the page. Click on that and you’ll see a list of articles I’ve written that will address your question about addiction and lots of others questions too.
If, after reading it all, you have a question that has not been addressed, let me know. I’ll do my best to provide the answer.