Thanks for writing, but your comprehension of the science is way off. For one thing, most of the mass in food is water, and water cannot be burned in the body, or in a furnace, to convert it to the kind of energy that generates light, heat and motor activity. You need to go back to school to understand the difference between nuclear physics and the physics of the chemical reactions examined in food science. Here’s a good resource for you:,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch
Also, I wonder if you read the article beyond the first few paragraphs. I think you missed a lot. I am a psychotherapist, a behavior therapist, and I’ve been teaching the psychology, psychotherapeutics and behavior therapy to achieve permanent weight loss for over 30 years. My behavioral program is very successful. Check out my book. Understanding the nutrition science is only the first tiny step in solving a weight problem.