Our Rage Temperature is Skyrocketing
Are we at the boiling point? What do we do about it?
Can you feel it? It’s palpable. It’s been building and it feels like it’s about to blow.
Every day, everywhere. Mass shootings everyday in workplaces. In schools and shopping centers. Road rage incidents in every city multiple times daily. Terrorist bombings all over the world in places lots of people gather. Genocidal wars prosecuted by governments everywhere in the world targeting civilian populations, not just armies, but innocent non-combatants, women and children. Sidewalk punchings, random indiscriminate attacks in broad daylight by strangers with no apparent motive. They are not muggers or purse snatchers, but just punchers, walking by and punching people in the face.
What’s going on?
Have you noticed how the emotional temperature in a room full of people can change when a certain person walks in? If it’s a peacemaker, like a loved teacher, the spirit is lifted, even if there was tension, everyone tapping into a more peaceful lighter mood spreading like a fluid, one to another. What if it’s a known trouble-maker, a bully who is always looking for an argument or victims for their insults? The tension in the room ramps up, even mild-mannered people getting angry about the last incident, getting ready for the next. People describe it as a chill spreading when a hostile person arrives, or a dark cloud descending on them. They refer to the warmth and light spreading when it’s a peacemaker.
These days, it’s like an invisible energy, a dark rageful spirit, has spread over the world, affecting the whole planet. It’s not just Trump, the MAGAs, the Proud Boys and other terrorists doing this. It’s not just they and their angry talking heads on the media. Do they broadcast their venom and spread it to those who listen to them? Yes. But they are only the messengers, recipients and transmitters of this hate and violence, not the creators. It’s been around since the beginning. Trump caught it from his father and his murderous hero dictators. We are all spreading the spirit we have received and accepted.
Today, our ability to spread this energy is more effective than ever before. It’s lightning fast, our technology spreading it instantly worldwide through our social media and smartphones. And our communal anger and violence is at a higher pitch today than when Trump’s influencers infected him. So what we pass down today is stronger than what infected Trump and the Proud Boys. It’s oozing out of our media, not only with the news and Internet influencers, but with our entertainment, our movies and video games.
The world’s population has exploded too, those that receive and amplify the energy, now 8 billion, overwhelming the planet with that rage. Our population, since 1950, is literally skyrocketing.
The world’s largest cities are filled wall-to-wall with skyscrapers and people, like cicadas, crowding each other and filling the air with their deafening and irritating noise.
So, here’s where we are, 8 billion strong, our rage building like our population, the evidence before our eyes everyday. The tension and rage is building in our bodies and minds as well as our communities, cities and towns and the whole world.
So, what’s next? Are we heading at breakneck speed to a worldwide climax of rage, a spasm of unbounded hate and destruction?
Not if we change the energy, change the message and change the spirit.
The war between good and evil has been seen for thousands of years as a central issue in the individual as well as mankind. Zoroaster in the second millennium BC boiled down the pantheon of many gods to two opposing camps or forces, good and evil. Later religions envisioned God ( an abbreviated good?) and the Devil ( of evil or d’evil?). Societies, religious or not, developed systems of morality and immorality, having to do with justice, truth, love, charity, order, courage, healing spirit, etc. on the one hand, and injustice, lies, selfishness, hate, chaos, cowardice, decay and destructive spirit, etc. on the other. One insured the survival and success of the community and one brought about its collapse.
All of us are challenged to choose. Which camp do we live in and let live in us? It’s plain that many have chosen selfishness, hate, injustice, lies and chaos leading to decay and destruction. They scoff at those choosing love, charity, justice, truth, order, growth and healing as the way to be.
While it appears that the energy and spirit of evil has infected and spread across the world, its future is destruction, darkness and death. It will burn itself out in fits of self-destruction.
What will be left are those who have chosen to spread good, love, charity, justice, truth, order and growth. Be the warmth and love that changes the temperature of the room, that lifts the spirit of the room, of the world. Be the light that illuminates the darkness. Let it live in you and grow. It will lift you as well as others.
Filling ourselves with the right spirit and spreading it to others is our salvation. It makes it possible to witness the ragers and not fall under their spell that is occurring before our eyes. We can spread that energy of good over the Earth using the same mechanism and mediums the haters used that created the illusion that evil had taken over humanity and the world.
Invite that energy of good to live in you, to be your way, and let it grow. Instead of fighting the evil, focus on growing the good and spreading it. It is the way of life.
While the rage skyrockets, know that its future is self-destruction. We are watching it.
Survive it and grow what needs and deserves to grow. When you spread the right energy and spirit, you can not only expect it to warm the room, but it will come back to you, maybe not ten-fold, but more than you put out.